Many people’s thoughts turn toward water during the summer, but you do not want to think about it when it floods your home. Higher temperatures than normal increase the risk of certain structures sustaining damage. Here are some ways to keep water out of your house, so you do not have to contact someone for an emergency flood cleanup.
Inspect the Hot Water Tank
You still need hot water during the summer for the dishwasher and laundry machine, and you should routinely look at the pressure release valve. If you hear hissing, then it is likely a sign there is leakage somewhere. You need to fix that immediately before excessive water shows up underneath the tank.
Check the Hose Bibs
Hose bibs are faucets around the yard your hose connects with. These are common places where leaks form, and puddles can develop around the lawn. Standing water increases the risk of mosquitoes hanging around the property, so you need to repair any leaks immediately.
Remediate Mold Right Away
Keep an eye out around your home for mold growth. Mold requires high moisture levels and dark areas to thrive, so you should inspect areas of the house you do not go into all that often. In addition to getting rid of any mold, you also need to address any water damage that allowed the mold to grow in the first place.
Look at the Water Meter
If all else fails, then you can check to see if flooding has occurred anywhere by inspecting the water meter. You should know how high your water usage is normally. In the event the meter is substantially larger than usual, you need to figure out why is the case.
You should enjoy your summer rather than worry about flooding. Before water damage gets worse, you should contact an expert from Mold Masters by getting in touch with us through our contact form.