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Mold Masters was founded by a team of experts with more than 20 years’ experience in mold contamination and indoor air quality.
We created Mold Masters to provide the much needed but often neglected service of improving the air you breathe in the places you spend most of your time, including your homes and workplaces.
For more than a decade, Mold Masters has been the premier Orange County mold inspector, providing homeowners and businesses with the services and knowledge they need to create and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Although smog and industrial pollution is obvious to most people and a great deal of money and time has been spent on researching their effects, the truth is, indoor pollution often goes virtually unrecognized until people start feeling ill or adverse health effects.
That’s because mold is insidious. It may be hard to believe, but it takes just 48 hours for mold to develop and spread. It can result from a variety of sources, including moisture in the outside air, construction done inside your home or cleaning products you use. Soon, it can affect the air you breathe. Consequently, it’s important to eradicate them from your living space as soon as possible by calling the expert in mold testing in Orange County and its surrounding areas.
Mold Masters excels at detecting and eliminating unhealthy air in your home, offering a variety of state-of-the-art services, including simple mold remediation and highly toxic black mold removal, mold and indoor air quality testing, flood cleanup and water damage restoration in Los Angeles. However, more than just being a mold remediation service, our goal is to not only solve the problems of indoor air pollution and improve indoor air quality, but to educate our clients and the public about the causes of mold and preventative measures they can take to ensure their living and working spaces offer them healthy air to breathe.
We here at Mold Masters hope you will never experience mold, water damage, indoor air quality problems or the need for flood cleanup in Orange County, which could compromise your health or that of your family members. However, if you do, we want to be your first and last line of defense.