Being mindful of mold growth in your home requires more than using dehumidifiers and fans, checking visible plumbing pipes for leaks, and never leaving wet items in the dark for too long. It also requires keeping up with your home’s exterior and surrounding property. To help your residence remain fungus-free, review what your Los Angeles mold inspectors recommend regarding exterior maintenance. 

Inspect For Roof Leaks

Since walking on your roof can be hazardous, use binoculars to inspect the roofing system from the safety of the ground. Look for issues that can result in leaks, water damage, and mold growth, such as broken and missing shingles, and loose or damaged flashing. Scheduling prompt roof repair services prevents mold from flourishing, as well as wood rot. Make a habit of inspecting your roof about every month or so, and after any serious storm. Staying ahead of leaks is one of the best things you can do to preserve your system and avoid costly repairs or an untimely roof replacement. 

Clean the Gutters

Rain gutters that remain clogged with leaves, twigs, animal nests, nuts and seeds, and other debris can cause mold growth. If rain water backs up under roof shingles, it enters the roofing system. It takes mold 48 to 72 hours to flourish in the right conditions and a dark, damp roof is ideal. By cleaning your gutters at least twice a year, you’ll avoid mold growth that can result in serious structural damage, in addition to allergic reactions. You might want to have gutter brushes or perforated metal guards installed to keep large pieces of debris out. 

Ensure Grading Slopes the Right Way

The soil around your home needs to slope away from the residence, not towards it. If it slopes towards your house, rainwater enjoys easy access to your basement. Rather than dealing with basement water damage and mold growth, keep up with the grading around your residence. If there is a serious slope issue, contact your local general contractors to provide grading services. 

For mold testing and removal services in Orange County, contact Mold Masters today. 

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